SHKWF is sphere headed by Dr. S.H. Kulkarni along with a team of committed professionals as well as well-qualified and service oriented faculty.
SHKWF is an Independent, self funded, self sustaining Academy based at BENGALURU city of India. It has diversified activities in the Wellness Industry inspired by World Wellness open University.
Our vision is to ensure healthy living and true will being for every individual and propegate wellness through multi approaches by imparting academic courses on wellness, lifestyle disease management, urban life style hazards management and by promoting integrated wellness therapies backed by expert’s opinions, experiences, research & development.
SHKWF has a mission to educate, teach and serve the Indian community of health conscious individuals (both rural and urban), organizations, institutions and corporate by providing an Open International platform to present, share, discuss, propose, exchange, study and qualify on various Wellness and Modern Lifestyle related issues, topics and subjects offered through Academic Courses, Wellness Projects, Wellness Workshops, Conferences, Seminars and Events by imparting professional, well researched and well documented information and knowledge.
To empower each and every person to empower everyone around them so that they in turn Empower People around them to build a Powerful Nation
Four Movements
Wellness Movement
Wellness is nothing but being aware of and making conscious choices in our life to create opportunities to adopt better healthier choices and facilitate advancement and through a process of life long learning and application of wellness life styles. At time modern day living has created life threatening health hazards and well being complexities. We have dedicated ourselves to ensure good health to everyone by offering Wellness Education and Wellness Products
Power Life Movement
Each one of us is a store house of creative energy. All that we need to do is re-kindle it and bring it to life and use it. However, we allow it to flow aimlessly in our life, without managing it to produce intended results. We in our power life movement throughout series of education programs, intended to shift the state of unconscious release of our creative energy to conscious release, preparing us to manage and use it to produce intended results in everbody’s life.
Wealth Movement
Majority of the population lives in limited amount of energy that is needed to survive! Money is consciousness, Money is energy that follows predictable patterns and laws. Creating prosperity for yourself means creating it for those around you
Don’t you feel you must think hard on these matters? Wealth movement in SHKWF gives you an world class opportunity to create a financial success and makes you to realize all your dreams come true.
Social Action Movement
We are committed to serve the humanity irrespective of any linguistic, religious or cultural barriers. We have “issue based” and “solution providing” Social action programs, aimed at creating leadership that translates vision into reality.
We take this opportunity to invite each and every Indian to join hands with us at SHKWF Empowerment Movement to live a life of health & Wealth and ensuring a powerful India by 2030, making India a Super Power
Our Services
Seminar: High Schools
Seminar: Colleges
Seminar: Professionals
Cousres: High Schools
Cousres: Colleges
Cousres: Professionals
If You need to Speak
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